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2024-11-04 14:06 来源:未知 点击: 文字:(,,)

中国法学会保险法学研究会(China Insurance Law Society),成立于2011年,曾用名中国保险法学研究会。本会是中国法学会主管的专门从事保险法学研究的全国性学术团体,由中国法学会中从事保险法学研究的会员组成。本会的成立旨在广泛团结和组织全国保险法界的法学、法律工作者,加强同国内外相关学科的学术交流与合作,立足中国国情开展保险法学研究,为我国保险业的立法、修法提供理论支持,解决保险市场发展中所面临的疑难法律问题,为司法机关提供必要的专家意见。研究会现有理事220名,其中学界的占约60%,实务界的占约40%,所有理事均须公开发表有保险法方面、有一定影响力的论文或专著,现有理事中90%以上具有法学博士或经济学博士学位,学界的理事70%以上具有副教授以上的职称,实务界(包括法院、金融监管部门、保险公司、保险律师)的理事90%以上具有保险业5年以上从业经验,并在业界具有一定影响力。现有常务理事(从理事中选举产生)42名,会长1人,副会长11人。会长、副会长从常务理事中选举产生。










Introduction to the China Insurance Law Society

The China Insurance Law Society, also known as the China Association of Insurance Law,or  Insurance Research Committee of the China Law Society, was established in 2011. It is a national academic organization specializing in insurance law research, under the supervision of the China Law Society. The institute is composed of members of the China Law Society who are engaged in insurance law research.

The mission of the institute is to unite and organize legal scholars and practitioners in the field of insurance law across China, strengthen academic exchanges and cooperation with related disciplines both domestically and internationally, and conduct research on insurance law based on China's national conditions. The institute aims to provide theoretical support for the legislation and revision of insurance laws in China, address complex legal issues in the development of the insurance market, and offer expert opinions to judicial authorities.

The institute currently has 220 directors, with approximately 60% from academia and 40% from practice. All directors are required to have published influential papers or monographs in the field of insurance law. Over 90% of the directors hold a doctorate in law or economics, over 70% of the academic directors hold associate professor or higher titles, and over 90% of the practitioners (including those from courts, financial regulatory bodies, insurance companies, and insurance law firms) have more than five years of experience in the insurance industry and hold a certain degree of influence within the industry. The institute has 42 executive directors (elected from among the directors), 1 president, and 11 vice presidents, with the president and vice presidents elected from among the executive directors.

Organizational Chart of the China Insurance Law Society



